Friday, December 17, 2010

cliches and cyberspace

It was one of those Mondays. Not the kind I hate, but the kind where I decide I'm going to get back on track. First I got my period. A cyclical blank slate. So I needed to reign a few things in and let the rest out.

I decided I needed to start tracking my eating and exercising. Somehow this puts me at ease. My cast would be coming off next week so I would be able to worry less about doing too much. I knew I needed to start writing again. Have some faith in my self and the confidence to do what I want to do. Mostly for myself, but if someday it was for someone else too, that would be great.

I had been at a party recently and I heard these girls talking about a friend of theirs who was blogging her "journey through fertility", and their eyes rolled almost in unison.

I get how it seems pathetic and a little to out there, not to mention cliche, but it is what she needs to do to make it through. And there is an audience for everything. If no one else, she is her own audience, but I'd be willing to bet it is cliche for a reason. For those who have gone through something like that, it is just about all they can think about. It's comforting to be able to google key words that describe your own predicament and find others - a few of whom even write eloquently about it. Isn't that what art is all about?